
The war is real brother, yet our great King has already won! Nothing to fear, yet wisdom in all.

Fight only battles God commissions you to enter.

In the story above of the church plant my wife and I were stopped by the LORD to get fully involved in the work.

Praise God for discerning wives!

Before I had the dream...

My wife had a very strong witness for us to not officially become part of outreach. All we did was help out in some worship in the initial stages.

A lot of people urged us to become fully involved yet we knew the Holy Spirit witnessed we should not.

It was not easy to say no, especially when ‘revival’ and blessing seemed everywhere.


Obey GOD, even when pressured by well meaning saints to go a different route.

Bless you.

PS A lot of what you describe is likely due to ancestral roots. Praise GOD all old stubborn roots can be severed by our great High Priest, Jesus the Branch! (Isaiah 11:1)

We are grafted into a new family and a new inheritance is our portion.

Romans 11:13-21.

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Thanks for sharing this true story David. Spiritual warfare is so real...eating in dreams & flying in dream, seeing dead family members and so on....

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