Good day, true saint of the Most High.
How’s the week treated you?
Good. Bad. Ugly?
No matter.
As long as you have backup reserves to deal with whatever the rest of the day brings you... everything will work out fine.
Reliable backup reserves...
Plus of course,
Being able to call that special someone, who always seems to know exactly what to do in any situation... helps us deal with the tragedies and triumphs of life too.
Like your Mum...
One of our daughters just sent this card to my wife...
“I’ve got 99 problems to solve and I’m going to phone my mum for help with all of them!”
It rings so true.
For everything under the sun...
She always just phones her MUM.
Quite right.
Having God’s phone number is ridiculously helpful too.
What is His special number?
Honestly saint.
GOD’s personal, direct dial number is…
Jeremiah 33:3
See for yourself…
“CALL unto me and I WILL ANSWER YOU and show you great and mighty things which you know not.”
Jeremiah 33:3 KJV
Isn't His promise so clear?
For example...
Before the lockdown malarky,
My son and I picked up a friend to go to table tennis club at church one evening. Normally he was always full of fun, but this night he seemed very anxious.
We soon found out why.
Doctors had just discovered his four year old granddaughter had bone cancer. Four years old! Her mum was distraught.
Very upsetting.
We encouraged this man (not a Christian) not to worry. The table tennis might help take his mind off things etc.
And we also promised we'd help him 'sort it all out' after table tennis because "We 'knew a man' who deals with 'that sort of stuff.'"
Of course,
That man is Jesus. Up in the glory with our Father.
And we saints reach Him 24/7 on...
So after table tennis we told him this and 'called Jesus' from the car...
And offered to pray for his granddaughter to be healed by the LORD ...and he agreed. That said, he was quite surprised when my son started praying out loud for her there and then!
By God's grace...
Together we cursed the bone cancer to death in the Name of Jesus Christ. Commanded it to whither up and die... And to leave her body harmlessly.
We forbad death to take the little girl in Jesus's Name.
Together all holding hands (yup, non Christian too) we agreed in prayer Jesus would heal her. After all we said, what's to lose eh?*
The next week we called round as usual for table tennis.
This time though and all for God's glory...
Massive smiles all round.
Our friend was so happy!
The day before some quite perplexed doctors and nurses told his daughter (the mum) about the little girl's progress... they simply could not find cancer anywhere in her.
They didn’t know why. Nor why all scans and test were negative now.
They didn’t know why…
But we did.
We’d called our Father in Heaven’s direct dial line for the wee lass ;)
Praise GOD!
"Jesus is the same yesterday and today and forever."
Hebrews 13:8 RSV
You can repeat His promise for yourself too. And actually I tend to shout His promise out. Feels amazing. Almost like adding ‘unlimited faith credit’ to my ‘call plan’ or should I say ‘God’s Big Call Plan’ ;)
I shout…
"He will answer me! He will answer me! He will answer me!
God cannot lie and… so He WILL ANSWER ME.
He WILL SHOW ME great and mighty things...
Things I don't even know yet!"
Think about that over the weekend.
And give Him a call.
Bless you.
PS Of course it’s true the other way around as well.
Let Him call you too.
After all you're family...
"I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me."
Proverbs 8:17 KJV
"... I have spoken to you, rising early and speaking..."
Jeremiah 35:14b NKJV
* This is not medical advice. It's only telecoms advice.