Hi overcomer,
By the grace of GOD you and I have two things in our favour.
Our eyes.
Which also means we get to look at things two ways.
Looking two ways throws up snags too.
For example…
If we view the word ‘division’ as referring to ‘Di-vision’—’to split/divide’ or hold ‘two visions.’
Then hitting two targets (or goals/visions) at the same time is a tough call for anyone.
For as I covered elsewhere in “How to reverse a discouraging scripture”…
“A single minded man is certain about everything he thinks, feels and decides.” (James 1:8 reverse paraphrase).
If that’s you then in short…
Don’t doubt. Stuff your feelings.
Stop flipping back and forth between faith and unbelief!
Give yourself a stern talking to and march on by faith into the blessing GOD has for you.
That said…
Double vision can have deadly consequences if you don’t correct it.
What you look at is what you become.
And right there,
Dear saint of the Most High GOD is the crux of the whole matter.
Because not only do you become what you look at...
What you look at is imprinted into your soul.
And your eyes, the window of your soul,
Record and print indellibly in your memory everything you see.
Which brings us neatly to my first point,
These words of Jesus…
“And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out.
It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into hell”.
Mark 9:47 ESV
Because here’s the thing.
As Jesus has just shown us, looking at the wrong things has consequences.
There’s more though.
Even looking at things the wrong way, throws trouble across our path too.
For example…
When Joshua and Caleb saw the giant cluster of big grapes the twelve spies brought back from Canaan,
They saw sweet ABUNDANCE.
The provision and kindness of GOD who loved them. (Number 13:23)
Yet tragically…
When the ten fearful spies saw the very same grapes these spies instantly visualised death by giants instead.
They believed a lying picture of their future.
And this fearful image made them throw away their future.
One million of them perished in the desert… sheesh!
That said.
They are absolutely not you dear saint are they?
Me neither.
So here’s what I am doing…
I copy Joshua and Caleb. Push forward. Seize GOD’s promises.
(Not being funny, but those two guys from thousands of years ago, inspire me almost every other day to press on and take GOD at His word).
Truthfully overcomer…
Here is what I see in my spirit (for what it’s worth, because after all who am I to predict anything!)
2024 is going to be hard for any Christian who does not fix their eyes single mindedly on Jesus. On the promises of scripture. On the Word of His blessed hope.
“And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said,
Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.”
Numbers 13:30 KJV
You too are ‘well able’ saint.
After all, you’re just like them aren’t you :)
An overcomer.
Bless you.
PS Back in 1986, within seconds of seeing my future wife for the first time the LORD spoke this to me…
“She is a woman of a different spirit.”
And so it proved.
We married in 1987.
Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus saint you never know what He has for you :)
And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.
Hebrews 12: 1b-2a NIV
PPS If you’ve seen anything which you regret. Or which frightens or stubbornly haunts your memory.
Don’t worry. There is a remedy.
The salve of GOD.
It’s the only thing which works. And only the saints of GOD may buy it…
“I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see.”
Revelation 3:8 ESV
Caleb is a wonderful example! It is well worth learning/reading about his life. Eventually his steadfastness was greatly rewarded. He stood through the 40 years, then entered the promised land. He still had the strength and valor to claim his land, while others cowered in fear.
If you stand faithful long enough, without wavering, you could see marvelous things! Don't back down! Don't allow the events of today steal your strength and resolve!
Very good counsel, Sir. Very difficult to do but I walk with God and His Son in small steps every single day. Breaking life down into small bites is the only way I can function. At least I have not let go His hand! He is the only One I can trust.