Amen! Praise Jesus, He is so good! Thank you for sharing your powerful testimony, Dave. I pray that more people will read your testimonies because our faith increases as a result. The Lord so wants to use us to bring hope to the hopeless. There is still much work to be done, in Jesus Mighty Name! God bless you!

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Amen Emma! “There is much to be done”… May the LORD help us to do it with and in His son Jesus because “He does all things well” Mark 7:37…

We can’t do all things well.


He always does :)

Have a great week sister!

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So true Dave! Thank you, you too brother :)

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20Liked by Dave Alston

Dave, thank you for sharing this wonderful story of the MERCY of God and His Son. The world in 2024 is in more desperate need than ever, for the love and healing power of Jesus Christ. There is so much misinformation and downright lies out there about the nature of God and His love for suffering humanity. I have certainly been a recipient of His immense mercy and I hope to be a conduit for Him as well, right now through the written word here on Substack. God bless you!

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For all those cessationists out there, Dave has outlined the grace of God in this circumstance. We had an obedient believer and a willing receiver of Grace. If you pray for healing of everyone you meet, no grace there. If you wait on the Spirit, healing. Thanks Dave, great article.

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Bless you Geoff!

I really was totally oblivious as to what was about to unfold.

I just went for a walk.

Yet here's the thing... once inside the shop the LORD was so compelling. So insistent. I couldn't deny Him.

He so loved that other person... No matter what... Jesus had decided to heal him. And nothing was going to stop Him. And so He did.

So much love. And as you say, pure grace.

Glory to GOD :)

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Thanks Wendy.

You are so right…

Keep reaching out and sharing His mercy online and off. What a desperate position it must be to be in this world now without the LORD…

Terrifying tbh.

We have so much to be thankful for sister!

Bless you.

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