Hi precious one.
This is in part to encourage a dear brother who is up against it just now. He emailed because the hordes of hell are mercilessly attacking him.
Particularly at night.
Problem is.
No matter how he prays.
Or what sort of spiritual warfare he uses to hit back…
These things just don’t back down.
Nothing seem to shift them.
Hard as nails.
Sometimes there's a lull in the battle… after a fierce period of warfare he may get three to five days of relative quiet.
They come back.
Multiple attacks. Multiple fronts… hardly time to take a breath.
So what to do?
This brother needs help.
Reading his email ‘Fasting’ came clearly to mind. And after a day or two praying I felt encouraging him along this line was appropriate.
To be clear...
I'm sure this brother fasts already, yet this way of fasting is a little different. It's more cyclical. You never stop repeating it either.
It's easy too.
And I find it most effective.
With it we aim for small, yet steady gains every week. By repeating the pattern each week we sustain wins. We build momentum.
Next we multiply these small victories into larger wins.
And then…
This 'twice-weekly' rhythm of this fasting becomes a lifestyle. A weekly cycle. And a lot of power begins developing in your spirit.
The enemy notices what GOD is doing in you too. And shudders.
He hopes you don't discover what Jesus says here...
"His disciples asked Him privately, “Why could we not cast it out?” So He said to them, “This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting.”
Mark 9:28-29 KJV
This position of authority in the spirit realm happens over time. And as you encounter and you win through trials.
It's not our power. It is GODs.
The glory is His. He is the one who 'enters the IRON into your soul'. (See Psalm 105:17-19 AMP Classic).
Hence you next begin punching above your weight in the spirit.
And the enemy begins to be wary of you… because He meets the iron in you, which is CHRIST in you.
Anyway here's what you do…
Fast twice a week.
Monday and Thursday.
Yet not for 24 hours…
Simply fast sunrise to sunset.
Miss breakfast. Miss lunch.
Eat in the evening after sun goes down.
Come aside when you’d normally eat and deliberately pray...
Take your half hour breakfast as prayer.
Take your three quarter of an hour for lunch as deliberate prayer focussed on what you seek GOD for.
(And by the way, what if you ‘get busy’ and don’t pray? You don’t tend to get wins. You just starve yourself. I’ve found anyway).
Personally I drink through the day.
Water, juice etc is fine.
Since this type of fasting has become my regular one a distinct pattern has emerged.
After Mondays fast…
Sometimes I awake on the Tuesday and I know I have breakthrough. The Spirit of GOD gives me the witness ‘we’re through.’
Answer incoming.
All is well.
Sometimes though…
I wake up with no breakthrough yet a sense of “Nearly there Alston. You have done the first half. The second half you will win.”
Then after the fast on Thursday…
And by the Friday, I often find the answers arriving. The breakthrough assured opens up to me.
Once again…
“Victory granted. Answer arriving soon Alston."
If by Saturday there is still no revelation or insight or victory.
I release the spiritual weapon our enemy particularly detests.
I sense if I stay in faith,
If I am patient and consistent in a thankful attitude… my answer will probably arrive on the Monday, Tuesday the following week.
Of course,
Once you get your victory don't stop.
Develop this simple ‘twice weekly fasting' pattern into a lifestyle.
Here’s the thing…
It’s more about the rhythm of a life consecrated with GOD.
It's the weak...
Patient. Humble saint.
Who is always before GOD in prayer.
Always in a lifestyle of fasting.
And never leaves.
Who gets the answer.
Joshua is the perfect example...
Moses never left the presence of GOD. And for forty years of wilderness wandering
Joshua served, studied, copied him.
Thus after Moses died Joshua went on to almost perfect victory.
Joshua only suffered one defeat. (Joshua 7).
The battle of Ai.
Built in small steady, patient steps.
Prayer. Fasting.
(And this is an easy way to start).
Speak soon.
PS A nice side effect to twice weekly fasting is weight drops off tummies too ;) Cool eh!
Thank you Dave, my fasting has been all over the shop and difficult! Your approach is ordered and looks super manageable. I read this at the perfect time, praise Jesus 😄