Dave, I have been in the process of more deeply getting to know Papa God. Since December 2017, I have gathered nightly with notebook and pen and Bible and simply poured out my heart, listened as deeply as I could, wrote down what He said to me. I am finding the relationship and fellowship that I need in order to grow beyond baby status in my faith. Thank you for reminding me of this!! God bless you, Wendy

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Bless you Wendy :)

You are doing exactly what Jesus said... shutting your door on the world and getting to know your Father. Your real... Father that is :)

Jesus also had two fathers of course,

Yet only one was His real Father (even though Joseph was obviously such an amazing dad... and probably the most successful man in the whole New Testament... because what a well adjusted Son he was able to help bring up with Mary!).

And it's the same with you, I and all the saints.

We have two dads as well...

Yet One alone is our real Dad (big D ;)

Plus here's the thing...

He made your mother and is even kinder, gentler and more wonderful than any mother on earth too. He is love.

Jesus is our door through into Him then the invisible GOD, the most amazing Dad ever!

And because Father GOD is spirit (John 4:24) it means He can both dwell in you, heal, strengthen, deliver, equip and envision you from the inside out...

Whereas Jesus despite being 100% GOD...

Is physically unable to live in you, because... er... He is physically sitting up in heaven of course (Hebrews 8:1).

Mysterious eh :)

So nice you didn't just linger at the doorpost looking in!

Bless you.


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Thank you, Dave! Indeed, after 35 years of rebellion and wandering from my childhood roots in Christ, I stumbled back, broken, wasted, impoverished. God's mercy is overwhelming! Indeed, I think I rather crashed the gate when I returned in such a sorry state! I did not want to linger at the door post, after nearly losing myself. God bless you, Dave! Wendy

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